Thursday, January 6, 2011

whO have the key tO my heart?..

i'm waiting fOr sOmeOne whO have the key tO my heart..
i had lOst it somewhere..
i wish i cOuld fOund it again..
if yOu gOt the key tO my heart..
please give it back tO me..
if yOu want tO keep On hOlding it..
hOw can i give it tO sOmeOne else whO deserve tO get it...
if yOu want tO keep it..
please makes sure yOu keep it safe..
my heart are fragile..easily tO brOken intO pieces..
Once its brOken..
it's hard tO keep it tOgether again..

then i was thinking..
how does its feel to be in love?..
how does its feel to love and love by someone?..
how does its feel to miss your love one so badly?..

please give me back the key tO my heart..♥♥♥

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