Monday, December 20, 2010

write a cOver letter~

Your resume shOuld always have a gOod COVER LETTER attached, as a persOnal cOmmunicatiOn between yOu and the individual whO receives the resume.
Many job hunters are intimidated by the task of writing a cover letter, but it's not that hard if you think of it as just a friendly, simple communication from one person to another. It is in the interests of both parties to make a good connection!
How To Write a Good Cover Letter
  • Be sure to address your cover letter by name and title & to the person who could actually hire you. When it's impossible to learn their name, use their functional title, such as "Dear Manager". Never say "To whom it may concern" or "Dear Sir or Madam"..
  • In the cover letter you should also make it clear that you are familiar with the organization and what it is that they do. Point out to them what you can bring to the position. “ What can you do for them?”
  • Express your enthusiasm and interest in this line of work and this company. If you have a good idea that might help the employer resolve a problem currently facing their industry, offer to come in and discuss it.
  • Project warmth and friendliness, while still being professional. Avoid any generic phrases such as "Enclosed please find." This is a letter to a real live person.
  • Set yourself apart from the crowd. Identify at least one thing about you that's unique - say a special talent for getting along with everybody at work, or some unusual skill that goes beyond the essential requirements of the position -- something that distinguishes you AND is relevant to the job. (Then, if several others are equally qualified for the job, your uniqueness may be the reason to choose YOU.)
  • Be specific about what you are asking for and what you are offering. Make it clear which position you're applying for and just what experience or skill you have that relates to that position.
  • Take the initiative about the next step whenever possible, and be specific. "I'll call your office early next week to see if we could meet soon and discuss this job opening," for example. or - if you're exploring for UN-announced jobs that my come up - "I'll call your office next week to see if we could meet soon, to discuss your company's needs for help in the near future."
The cOver letter is alsO a great place tO use all thOse passive wOrds like cOnfident, self-starter, prOblem identifier, prOblem sOlver, decisiOn maker, etc.. In the cOver letter, yOu shOuld let them knOw that yOu will be fOllOwing up. FOllowing up in One week shPuld be gOod.

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